2024 Essay Competition Rules, Subject and Entry Form
positive impact has summer swimming had on your life? How do you
intend to pay this forward?"
The essay will be no less than 300 words or more than 700 words.
The essay must be submitted as a Microsoft Word or PDF document. Fill out the application form.
Entrants must be seniors in high school (or seniors who have already completed their final year of GPSA eligibility) who are planning to attend college in the 2024-2025 academic year.
The completed application and essay will be submitted to the GPSA Representative who will then submit both to the GPSA President. The GPSA Representative’s submission of the essay serves as their recommendation of the applicant’s leadership, work ethic, and sportsmanship.
All entries must be emailed by the GPSA Representative to [email protected] with the subject of "GPSA Scholarship" by midnight, July 28, 2024. Winners will be announced and awards presented at the Championship Meet.
Since we started our J. Kyle Hurdle Swim Clinic in 2022 as a fundraiser for scholarships, we were able to increase our total scholarship fund to $2,800 annually. That breaks down as follows: an $800.00 scholarship will be awarded to the first-place male and female, a $400.00 scholarship will be awarded to the second-place male and female, and a $200.00 scholarship will be awarded to the honorable mention male and female.
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Past Winners
The full list of previous winners can be viewed here.